The legs are our shadow, which is in the middle like our faces. Especially the harmony of the area under the knee cap is very important. Proper legs in men and women, as well as looking good health indicator. Perhaps rickets, which ravaged the world at the beginning of the 20th century, is the reason why the crooked leg is perceived as unhealthy. This disease is a condition that causes legs to be bent from six months to eighteen months in infants who do not sufficiently sunbathe. Although this disease decreases with public health measures, I believe that it has a deep place in our culture.

For females, a knee joint with no excess fat on the inside is the beginning of being beautiful. A straight and balanced leg on the inside and outside of the knee creates a pleasant appearance. In the inside of the leg, the muscle should be smooth, with no corners. The muscular appearance is considered masculine. As it descends to the ankles, both the inner and outer parts should come thinning and this thinness should reach the ankle with a smooth transition about 15 cm above the ankle. The slender posture of the feet creates a softer, gentle feeling. The protrusions of the ankle and foot bones should not be excessive. A beautifully balanced and soft curved leg brings elegance along with a beautiful image. Of course, harmony with the whole body and movements is also very important. A woman with a wide hips can look nice too.

Correction of leg shape is one of the areas of aesthetic surgery. The procedure is usually done by numb waist. General anesthesia is also possible. You need to hide the curvature of the leg bone. As I explained, the fact that the legs are beautiful is hidden in very fine details. When it comes to fine details, liposuction and oil addition (oil transfer) come into play. During the procedure, a sought-after image appears in the leg by removing excess fat in the knee. It is possible to correct the curved image by transferring the fat cells taken from the abdomen waist and hip to the inside of the leg. The most important advantage of fat transfer is that the patient has his own tissue and no signs are visible. The trick is to make the three-dimensional image of the leg beautiful with smooth transitions during fat transfer. In other words, it is nice to look from the front, but it does not look natural even if it is thicker. First of all, the most important point to remember is that the leg skin is naturally tense. When the prosthesis is placed on the breast, the upper skin flexes, but there is no such feature on the leg skin. What is important here is to capture the impressive image with the slightest changes. It is necessary to make personal, realistic and honest planning.