What is PRP?

PRP (platelet rich plasma) is known as blood rich from platelet / platelet cells. Platelet cells and plasma rich in growth factors are used in PRP application.

What are the benefits of PRP?

PRP process is used in wrinkles, blemishes, acne and scars, skin cracks and hair loss. The result of the procedure is a reduction in wrinkle marks and sagging. Peeling and laser stain treatments such as applying with PRP, accelerates the treatment process and promotes permanent results.

Is PRP a stem cell therapy?

PRP therapy is not a stem cell therapy. PRP treatment increases the number of platelets that initiate the whole process. As a result of the process, fibrin networks formed in the skin also work with the stem cells indirectly by collecting the stem cells in the environment. Therefore, when the skin is treated with PRP rich in platelet cells, the process of skin repair and regeneration is triggered.