Why Arm Lift (Brachyoplasty)?

Significant changes occur in the upper arm section between the shoulder and the elbow due to gravity, aging and excessive weight gain. Structural changes in the skin and subcutaneous adipose tissue cause wrinkles and especially sagging of the arm. These undesirable changes make the person look older and may cause psychological problems that may cause him to avoid wearing short-sleeved or suspenders. Arm aesthetics is a surgery performed to find solutions to all these problems.

Is there any trace of Arm Lift Aesthetics?

Depending on the amount of sagging in the arm during arm lifting aesthetic surgery, there is a scar in the inner region of the arm that extends to the elbow or under the armpit, and in some cases traces in both regions. This scar is initially marked and red, as in all cosmetic surgeries. It remains less visible after recovery. In cases where recovery is not normal, pink may be red or dark.